Sunday, February 28, 2021

Trump LITERALLY (!) as a golden idol!


At the Republican Convention they have literally made a golden idol of Trump! 

If a satirist made this up, you'd say he was being too obvious.

Of course The Republican religion is known for being heavy on devout CHRISTIANS. Apparently they have never heard the 'Thou shalt not worship false idols' thing, symbolized by the perverted worshipping of a golden idol. I don't really know The Bible, but at least I see the movie "The Ten Commandments" on national TV every Easter for the past 57 years! In the movie it is depicted very clearly as sickeningly wrong headed and perverted. Apparently you can worship a false idol all you want if you are a Republican Christian. 

As a "radical liberal", I am a dumb person with no common sense, so this strikes me as grotesque hypocrisy and as reflecting an utter lack of self-awareness on the part of Republicans. 

Hypocrisy and cluelessness in the Republican Party? Hey -- first time for everything, right?

I try to stay away from politics here. I promise I am probably even more  sick of political snarkiness than you are -- but GEEZ! Gimme a friggin' break -- they walked right into this one!