Monday, August 24, 2020

Bethany Reichel vs. John Fogerty

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This is a picture of John Fogerty in 1967, when he was in the Army Reserves.

I would like to know Bethany Reichel's hat size. I would like to know how someone gets a head that big (and that brainless) all the way up her own ass.

How do these people become professional critics?

She 'writes' for something called "New Arena". They have one of those internet pop-ups that leads you through, say 25 screens, listing something. In this case, it is the 25 most over-rated bands of all time. 

One of them is Creedence Clearwater Revival. She's entitled to her opinion. If she doesn't like them, I don't care. 

However, here's what she writes; 

There are some bands that you just kind of don’t like, and there are bands that you absolutely cannot stand. Creedence Clearwater Revival falls on the extreme end of the second category for me. Let’s start with the obvious: John Fogerty’s horrific screech of a voice. For the life of me, I can’t see how anyone thinks this guy has a great voice. Then there’s their barely disguised anti-war politics that they seemed to slip into nearly every song of theirs. The biggest problem I have with CCR and their fans is that people try to lump them into the Southern Rock genre. They were from California. On countless occasions, Fogerty tried to fool us singing about riverboats and the bayou.

What's wrong with being against people killing each other -- and killing them at the insistence of our government? Would she prefer he had written PRO-WAR songs?

Per Mr. Fogerty;

 I was in the service during the Vietnam era. It was a very volatile time in America. The war was very unpopular with young people. And I have to admit, I was one of those young people protesting the war. I would do it again if there's another one like that.

As a very young person, I was right in the crosshairs, you might say, and I eventually got my draft notice, just like so many other folks. It actually says, just like in the movies, "Greetings from the President of the United States." I managed to get into an Army Reserve unit after receiving my draft notice and served my time.

Of course, there were other things I wanted to do, but we all have a duty and, if it's our time, then that's what we've got to do. I went through that like millions of other guys and then sadly watched the poor treatment of our veterans coming home, particularly from the Vietnam War.

That really upset me. I knew how all those guys felt because I've at least been drafted and was in the military even though I didn't go to the jungle. Most of the people, I dare say, they could've chosen something else. They wanted to do far more than be in a jungle in Vietnam.

It just seemed like we shamefully turned our backs on veterans. And that's when I started to get my hackles up, I guess. I said, "Now wait a minute." After my own service, when the war was still going, I would talk to other young people who were protesting and say, "You're looking at that soldier over there. Don't you realize he's 19? He's just like you. He likes the same stuff. He likes the music; he likes your clothes. He likes the radio station and the movies and TV shows. He's just like you. It's just that he got drafted and so we asked him to do that or else we'll put him in jail."

If you're going to protest, then protest to the people who are waging the war, not the people that are having to fight the war. I still feel that way. So it gave me a different perspective than some of my non-military friends.

I didn't start out in life to be a special charity guy or a do-gooder or anything. I just had certain feelings, especially having gone through the Vietnam era and watching the inadequate way our veterans were treated. Over time, I realized that this was something that was close to my heart. It was something I wanted to do something about.

So I contributed here and there and played at benefits and stuff like that. You get going on something like this, and it becomes easier and easier. You're trying to talk other people into seeing how easy this is. It's a cause that needs a lot of work, and here's a way you can help.

Finally, Fogerty has not tried to fool anyone about his origins. In the late 1960's being Californian was a much more respected pedigree than being from the south. A list of a few California artistes just off the top of my head; The Doors. Janice Joplin, Frank Zappa, the Byrds, Jefferson Airplane, Grateful Dead, Beach Boys, The Turtles, Love, the list goes on and on.

Bethany, since you are obviously not very knowledgeable about musical history, maybe you should quit writing rock criticism. You could always take up writing pro-war songs and songs that insult the integrity of our veterans.


  1. Behind you 100% Bethany Reichel is a brain dead narcissist that I believe doesn't even appreciate or like music.

  2. If you acknowledge her she has accomplished her mission. You cant fix greed

  3. Agreed... critics are a joke. She wrote “Journey is as stale as they come. They never changed their style.”
    She’s obviously never listened to Journey except what she’s heard on the radio.
    She (and many others) may not like Journey, but “stale”? She lost all credibility with me.

  4. Let’s see miss high and mighty’s list I’ve just got to know because she picked a lot of great groups

  5. read some of her click farm list, gave up because she was obviously a f***ing idiot

  6. So true....where did this moron, whom I never heard of, come from? She is a no-name nobody who is dissing well known bands....she really can’t be getting paid for this crap (I hope)

  7. Bethany is what we refer to fondly as “human cull”. If you wanted to cut the one most worthless and arbitrary idiot out of society and improve the human gene pool 5% in one day, well she’s the hand’s down first pick! I can’t believe someone pays her wages for her stupid rants in text. What a joke?

  8. I’m glad I’m not the only one who wished this shill BETHANY REICHEL did not procreate. Just say no to bimbos

  9. Have you seen her “25 most overrated singers of all time”? Just a few: Dave Mathews? Liam Gallagher? Axl Rose? Brittany Spears? Adam Levine? Bono????? Ed Sheeran? Madonna? Number 1....Jim Morrison?!?!?!?? What an asshat. I may not love them all, and some of the list was ok, but to say that THESE artist can’t sing????.

    1. She is obviously just being edgy. Most of the people on that list are very good singers. For one she might not like Miley Cyrus as a person but there is no denying she can actually sing and has a varied range like many on that list she shot down.

  10. Have you seen her “25 most overrated singers of all time”? Just a few: Dave Mathews? Liam Gallagher? Axl Rose? Brittany Spears? Adam Levine? Bono????? Ed Sheeran? Madonna? Number 1....Jim Morrison?!?!?!?? What an asshat. I may not love them all, and some of the list was ok, but to say that THESE artist can’t sing????.

  11. I took umbrage at her placing Jim Morrison on the list of the 25 most overrated singers, let alone ranking him No. 1. I agree with some of her voices but not that one.

  12. So glad I found this page. I definitely agree with some of her opinions, but some are like they're coming from someone who really has very little knowledge of music. I would like to know who she thinks is great.

  13. She's a fucking idiot who wears her stupidity like a badge of honor. I can see that a few of us share that opinion.

  14. I'm here to to try to find her email to rip her a new one!
    She just did a piece on underrated singers, and she put Axl Rose.

    Let me tell you something. I'm learning how to sing, it's the hardest thing I've ever had to do. You have to practice every day, and there's so much technique involved, especially when it comes to shaping the throat... correctly... without throwing your voice out.

    Axl is able to scream at a very high pitch. Whoa! And he filled in to sing AC/DC which is one of the hardest bands to sing.

    When it comes to singing AC/DC, I'm not sure if I need to quit smoking, or start smoking to sing like Brian Johnson, because Brian smokes and smoking makes it harder to sing.

    But all kidding aside. Bethany is the greatest idiot of all time. She takes pride at being a stupid pre-teeny douchette and has a following of 4 friends who cling to her every word. She's beyond dumb, and does this because she's miserable at everything she does.

  15. I'm glad she's relegated to clickbate. She deserves even less-like NO media presence

  16. She did a top 25 most overrated singers.In her opinion the most overrated singer of all time was Jim Morrison.

  17. Bethany, thank you for producing the most ridiculous series of opinions I have read in years. Do the world a favor and stop offering your view on music. The world will be a better place without them.

  18. Having read her 25 overacted bands piece I quickly realized this tweener wouldn't know good music and the impact most of the bands had during their times even if it hit her in the face. This was quickly filed under the BS category. End result is any piece that she authors gets passed by since she no longer has credibility. Lost viewer, mission accomplished.

  19. To quote Jim Morrison, "music critics are often failed musicians."
    She clearly has neither the knowledge nor objectivity to qualify as a legitimate critic. Truly pathetic.
